Friday, July 31, 2015

Coconut Oil Kettle Corn

Have you tried Boom Chick a Pop?  If so be advised once you open the bag it disappears.  I went in search of something comparable I can do at home.  This recipe has more fat and calories but I think if you cut the oil and sugar in half it would be close.  However, since I have fallen off the wagon and cannot even see the wagon I have not tried lessor fat and sugar.  LOL

I have a Whirly Pop and that seems to work the best.  However, I have used a regular pan and lid and that worked just fine as well.  The Whirly Pop heats up faster so it works quicker and if you know me, you know I am impatient which is why I like the Whirly Pop.

1/3 C. popcorn kernels fresher pops bigger kernels
1/4 C. coconut oil
1/4 C. Sugar
Salt to taste

Put oil into pan.  I drop a single test kernel in the oil once it melts.  Once it pops I know it's ready.  I then add the sugar until mixed.  Then drop in the corn.  Shake if in a pan or whirl if in a Whirly popper until popping nearly stops.  Remove from heat into bowl.  Then add salt.  It is clumpy and easier to break up when warm.

I store it in a ziplock.  I cannot say how long it lasts that way since I eat it almost immediately.  Sorry...

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