Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cake pops

First you have to have cake.  So I used this recipe.

Then you need frosting.  So I used this recipe.

Once you have your cake and frosting you crumble up the cake and mush in the frosting.  The back of a spatcula works great.

Make into balls about quarter size.  I used my large PC scoop.  I left one side flat but you roll into a ball.

Next melt your almond bark or colored candy melts in either a double boiler or in the microwave. 

Dip the tip of your lollipop stick in a little of the melted candy coating and insert into the cake balls.
(Insert a little less than halfway.)

Place them in the freezer for a little while to firm up.

Once firm, carefully insert the cake ball into the candy coating by holding the lollipop stick and rotating until covered. Once covered remove and softly tap and rotate until the excess chocolate falls off. Don’t tap too hard or the cake ball will fall off, too.

Place in a styrofoam block to dry.

Once dry, use the edible ink pen and allow ink to dry.


If you don't want to use a stick just dip the ball into the candy coating using the candy tool and tapping so make ceretain the ball is covered and the excess is off.

Once dry, use the edible ink pen and allow ink to dry,.

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