
Friday, July 31, 2009

Garden fresh Veggies all year long!

I have been researching the best way to keep my garden feeding us all year long and have decided to Blanch as opposed to canning what I can. Personally I think the taste is better, plus it is the best way to get the natural flavors from the veggies. Here is my Blanching method, I use steam:
After bringing pot of water to a boil insert steaming basket. Add veggies and once the lid is on start timing. Once time is up immediately put into very cold water until chilled. Put into freezer bags and put into freezer right away.

Below is the list of how long to Blanch:

Asparagus - 2 to 4 minutes depending on thickness
Green Beans - 3 minutes
Broccoli - 3 minutes
Brussels Sprouts - 3 to 5 minutes depending on size
Carrots - 3 minutes
Cauliflower - 3 minutes
Corn - 3 to 6 minutes on the cob. (Remove the kernels after blanching if desired)
Peas - 1 to 2 minutes
Bell Peppers - 2 to 3 minutes or just freeze
Zucchini - 3 minutes

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