Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Baby oat cereal

I am trying to feed Rayce foods that are not processed.  Obviously since he is on formula and cereal to supplement his formula it is not a hard and fast rule with us.  I try where I can to make up for where I can't is what I am basically saying.

4 cups water
1/2 c. steel cut oats at flour conisitancy

Steel cut oats are so much cheaper than oatmeal.  There is a local cooking store (Kitchen Kneads) that I can get a 4.25 pound bag for $3.25.  Super great deal and very healthy.  I also make them for me.  here

The first thing you have to do is pulverize them into a flour substance for younger babies.  As they get older, this wouldn't be as crucial.  I have used my food processor but it's large and with that small of an amount of oats it is not very effective.  I have a Blendtec blender and it kicks it's butt.  I do enough for 4 rounds at a time. (2 C.)

Bring 4 cups of water to a boil then slowly whisk in 1/2 c. pulverized oats.  Cook on medium low for 15 minutes covered; then 5 minutes more uncovered.  I stir every few minutes.

I let it cool down and then put into individual containers for each dinner.  I mix it up with apple sauce and he loves it.  If I have more than I will use within 4 - 5 days, I freeze it in ice cube trays and thaw the night before I need it.

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