Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Eve Dinner

Having a small family means fewer siblings to shoulder the cooking. Tina and I decided long ago we need at least one more sister. The three of us have gotten smarter the last few years by spreading out the cooking. Now I take Christmas Eve, Sister takes Christmas morning, and Mom takes Christmas night. It is so nice to spread that stress around and not feel like you have to do it all. I have simplified mine by making a Spaghetti Dinner. I make the sauce ahead so I just have to start up the crock pot in the morning and let it simmer all day. It allows me more time for making the desserts ~ isn't that the main point of having a holiday?

Christmas Menu:
Spaghetti Link
Fettuccine (Costco - I won't lie)
Relish tray
Garlic Bread Link
Baby Jesus Birthday Cake Link
Pudding pies

It can all be made ahead so there is less stress which is the selling point for me.

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